White Tara Practice
Saturday, 16th February 2019, 7pm
with Lama Choedak Rinpoche
All those who have the empowerment of White Tara are welcome to join.
Venue: 7 Alexandria Avenue, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Sydney)
By donation
Teachings on Death and Dying and Soor Practice
by Lama Choedak Rinpoche
Sunday, 17th February 2019, 9:30am – 4:30pm
Venue: 7 Alexandria Avenue, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Sydney)
Cost: Suggested donation $50/30
For information: Sylvia on 0419 222 618
SOOR Practice is a special practice performed to help the deceased. It is a special ritual to help the deceased leave the physical world without any attachment and to give guidance through the stage of Bardo, the transition between death and rebirth. Rinpoche will teach on death and dying as some knowledge of this is useful and necessary for effective soor practice.