To Nirvana and Back

Public Talk by Lama Choedak Rinpoche

Friday 26th Aug 7-9.30 pm

Lama_Choedak_RinpocheIn this talk, Lama Choedak Rinpoche will offer skilful ways to use Buddhist  teachings to bring small ” Nirvanas ” in everyday life by using generosity, joyous effort and meditation.

“All branches of the Buddha’s teachings are taught for the sake of wisdom. If you wish to bring an end to suffering, you must develop wisdom”— Shantideva

By Donation
Suggested donation $20/15 concession

Venue: Dolma Buddhist Centre, 7 Alexandria Avenue, Eastwood

Vajrapani Empowerment

with Lama Choedak Rinpoche

Saturday 27th AUGUST 2016
9.30am- 4.30pm

Wiping off obstacleRinpoche will bestow the powerful empowerment  and practice of  Vajrapani Butadhamara.

Vajrapani is a Bodhisattva manifesting power. This empowerment aids to remove obstacles and develop one’s spiritual progress. The empowerment is not commonly available and this is an unusual opportunity to obtain this powerful practice.

Please bring lunch, refreshments provided.

Cost: By donation. Suggested donation $ 50/$40 concession
Venue: Dolma Buddhist Centre 7 Alexandria Avenue Eastwood